You Press the Button
I am reading the annotated version of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, in it there is a mention of the Kodak camera and at that time the marketing slogan was “You press the button- we do the rest.”
125 years later, I'm ordering takeout for the family. Same promise, different button.
The expeditor at the restaurant barely glances in my takeout bag. In the time it takes you to blink, he spots something off: one set of chopsticks, four entrees. A whispered word to his colleague, three more sets appear. I wasn't meant to notice, but I did.
That's leadership in its purest form. No meetings, no memos, just someone who cares enough to get it right. In a world where service excellence feels increasingly rare, this small moment of attention stands out.
Here's the thing: Not having enough chopsticks wouldn't have ruined our Wednesday night dinner. But having them made it better. That's what excellence looks like - anticipating needs before they become problems.
The button is easy. The rest? That's where the magic happens.
How about you? When was the last time someone surprised you by doing the rest better than you expected?