I'm Here to Push You
One of my life’s joys comes from watching people start something new, share themselves out across the digital landscape, create and publish. So in honor of #motivationmonday I thought I might share a few creators you might like and see what you might be able to create by this time next week:
Aaron Spratling — Lead Pastor at The Story Community Church He writes about reversing the idea of living an unpublished life and instead, publishing and in general Aaron is a humble philosopher with tales to tell.
Mike Baitinger — He created This Detroit Life which documents the growth of the city and some of its most unique angles and stories.
Joe Guerra — He hosts a Mid-Monday worship set where he plays + shares songs for 30 minutes EVERY Monday.
Julian Newman — He is one of these guys who is always working on about a million things. He is currently in Detroit ’67 at Site:Lab and recently won for his business idea Retro Future Films at StartGarden, he makes me look like I am lazy and for continuing to push me I am grateful for our friendship.
Katherine Ley — She started an amazingly inspirational travel blog called Don’t Deley (get it) and spent 3 months this summer on the road creating some amazing content (and photos) and inspiring a ton of people to get out and go on an adventure.
Jeff Leitch — Jeff is one of those guys who does more before 6a than you might think possible. Most recently this father of 4 works tirelessly with Team World Vision training for this weekend’s Grand Rapids Marathon where he and the team are raising money to provide clean drinking water for the nearly 750 million people across the planet that need it — beyond that he and his family have been helping refugees from Rwanda get settled in West Michigan and he is the drummer for the band Decoy.
Joe Teague — Joe is an expert in He-Man and lots of other retro toys so he parlayed that knowledge into a product and now runs a clothing line called Retro Rags Limited where people can take their old patches or t-shirts they love and repurpose them or pick up one of the shirts he and his team are making that mash-up the culture to create fun reimagined 1980’s brands.
One day each of these people just started and that start became habit and that habit became fuel for the rest of their life. So each Monday I am going to pick a handful of creators and share them with you, the goal is that at one point I will get to share your creation because it is time to start friends.
Now go, have an adventure.