The best comic books of the year


I want to be completely honest here and let you know I hated the end of the "Death of Wolverine" so at no point will it show up here. That said, these are some of my favorite comic books of 2014:

Thor: God of Thunder + Thor

The final stage of Thor: God of Thunder leads to Thor to eventually be unworthy to hold Mjolnir leaving it on the moon, which leads to the new female Thor that I have been really digging so far and I am not sure if this come from having a daughter or not, but the hammer looks good in the hands of the new Thor. 

The Chew

I have spent most of this year turing as many people as possible onto The Chew because outside of Saga, I find this to be the best book (comic-wise) I have read in forever. In a world where the FDA is the big scary agency and they hunt down those who sell actual chicken in restaurants as it is now the illegal substance enters Tony Chu who is a Cibopath which is someone who can see where a thing came from and what happened to it, by eating it. Sounds interesting? Good. Go get it because it keeps getting better.  



Magneto is bad again but he is not as strong as he once was. This book is fun because Magneto is back to being bad and haunting in the way that the story is told from Magneto's perspective as he tries to deal with his past. This was refreshing because I didn't really dig him being the Robin to Cyclops Batman for all that time. 

Tooth and Claw

It is very early in Tooth and Claw but the sheer amount of storytelling that goes into each page is taunting and I cannot get enough of this wizard/Game of Thrones leaning story. 


From issue one I was hooked. We are driven underground because the Sun is trying to kill us and once underwater - we are trying to kill each other. The first issue is a gut punch and after that, the story takes off. While you are enjoying the holidays, download the first issue of Low. 



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